Investigative journalists vs Newsroom Royalties

anchorsWe have Joe Scarborough, Anderson Cooper and Sean Hannity on one side & Seymour Hersh, Sarah Stillman and Bill Dedman on the other. Can you tell me the difference between the two? Yes, you have all heard and seen the first group but don’t know who the names in the second group are.

Well, they are the real investigative journalists. The newsroom royalties who blow the trumpet from their high horses and call themselves journalists and reporters and media flag bearers are just that, royalty. Few of them were reporters in their day before embracing the cozy life of a newsroom. And they became so entrenched in dollars they got paid and power they felt, that they never left.

They became just like Congressmen who only worry about re-election. All they worried about was how to keep the job that has given them the name and fame. To keep their jobs, they started making compromises. They began creating a narrative as told by their corporate paymasters. They cozied up with politicians to get them to come to their shows. In fact, they became even worse than the politicians as they didn’t have to face the public vote. All they had to do was to deal with corporate executives and keep them happy. All they had to do was to preach people who to vote for and what to do with their lives.

They sided with the political ideology of the news channel they were on. They sided with the political ideology of the next dollar that was coming. They sullied the good name of journalism and brought harm to the real investigative journalists who put their life on the line.

They all blame Trump for attacking media, when in fact trust in the press was at historical low even before Trump started his campaign. He just highlighted the resentment people felt, getting lectured day in and day out by these fat cats who cared to fill their bank balance.

There is still time for course correction. Apologize to people for your motivated monologues and selfish intent. That might help in making people trust media again.

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